
[DAO voting is under development]

Genesis DAO employs a voting mechanism to ensure that all initiatives and proposals are thoroughly reviewed and democratically approved by the community. This process is designed to maintain transparency and collective decision-making within the DAO.

Steps in the Voting Process

1. Proposal Creation

  • Initiative Creation: A team member creates an open initiative.

  • Submission: The initiative is submitted to the DAO's platform.

  • Community Input: The community can add their proposals to the initiative.

2. Proposal Review

  • Review by Community: The submitted proposals are reviewed by the community members.

  • Discussions and Debates: Community members engage in discussions and debates on the proposals within the community channels.

3. Voting Process

  • Casting Votes: All eligible community members cast their votes on the proposals.

  • Vote Counting: The votes are counted and the proposal with the majority vote is selected.

4. Implementation

  • Fund Allocation: The treasury funds are allocated according to the approved proposal.

  • Project Initiation: The project is initiated and progress is tracked by the DAO.

5. Completion

  • Progress Reporting: Once the project is in progress or completed, a detailed report is shared with the community.

  • Feedback and Review: The community provides feedback and reviews the completed project.

Last updated