
We present the calculus related to the absolute staking model and its associated effects. These calculations illustrate how the model functions to optimize staking rewards and ensure a balanced and sustainable ecosystem rewarding stakers and holders.

APYa=APYr/t+APYtAPYa = APYr/t + APYt

APYa : Absolute annual percentage yield

APYr/t : Relative apy. It's a variable value that changes over time

APYt : Translative apy. It's a fixed value that doesn't change over time

APYr/t=maxCap((maxCapminCap)log(1+ξRatio)log(10ξ))\text{APY}_{r/t} = \text{maxCap} - \left( \frac{(\text{maxCap} - \text{minCap}) \log(1 + \xi \text{Ratio})}{\log(10\xi)} \right)

𝝃 : Genesis constant, measure of trend sensitivity.

maxCap: represent the maximum allowable APYr/t.

minCap: represent the minimum allowable APYr/t

Ratio: represent the ratio between two important variables.

Ratio=stakedTokensliquidityTokens\text{Ratio} = \frac{\text{stakedTokens}}{\text{liquidityTokens}}

The purpose of the Absolute Staking Model is to incentivize long-term supporters of the DAO to earn passive income from the activities of day traders. When day traders sell their tokens to realize profits, the variable APY increases, creating more incentive to buy and stake, thus benefiting long-term stakers who believe in the DAO's future. (Fig.2)

(Fig.2) Variable APY trend model. The variable APY is calculated in function of the ratio of staked tokens and tokens in liquidity.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanism, check Flywheel Mechanism.

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